Courses we offer


Level 2 Childcare
Level 3 Early Years Educator
Level 5 Leadership & Management

Residential Childcare

Level 4 Residential Childcare
Level 5 Residential Childcare

Leadership & Management

Level 3 Team Leading
Level 5 Operations/Department Manager

Teaching Assistant

Home-Based Childcare

(In Partnership with PACEY)

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Business Administration

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Short Courses


Hopefully nothing! We currently have full and co-funding available for a number of courses that we offer. Funding is subject to certain criteria and is allocated on a first come first serve basis.

This is the question that we get asked the most. Funding criteria depends on your age, employment situation, working hours, previous qualifications and many other factors. There is a lot of information needed for us to give you an answer on what funding you are eligible for and we can only establish what is best once we have received a funding application form from you. Please note that you will not be committed to starting your course by submitting your application form and that you will not be liable for any costs if we are unable to obtain funding for you. To discuss funding options, please call us on 01753 596 004.

Those who are not eligible for funding though the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and/or European Social Fund (ESF) should still apply to their Local Authority for a bursary or grant. Each Local Authority is responsible for distributing their own budget so it is always worth applying.
If you are not eligible we can discuss different options with you which may then allow you to become eligible (e.g. increasing the amount of hours that you work). If you are in a position to pay for the course yourself, we can offer the cost on a flexible interest free payment plan. Please note that you will not be committed to starting your course by submitting your application form and that you will not be liable for any costs if we are unable to obtain funding for you.

Funding criteria changes from time to time and local authorities may now have funding available which they didn’t have previously. Your situation may have also changed from when you previously applied. We speak to a number of people each week who believe they are not eligible when in fact they are!

Absolutely. Our learning programme is designed to be easy to use for everyone, no matter how often you use a computer or how confident you are with technology. Our learners range from all ages and capabilities, and our Laser become an invaluable learning tool for everyone.

Our Laser programme incorporates your personal learning style in order to create a learning programme which suits you. If you struggle with reading, you can spend more time watching videos and making notes or engaging with more activities. If you have trouble with your hearing, you have the ability to read along with our videos and are not reliant on the sound.

In order to complete any of our full qualifications, you will need to be working or volunteering in an appropriate setting (nursery, nursing home, office, school, etc.) for a minimum of 16 hours a week for the duration of your course.

For all courses except the Early Years Educator, you do not currently need to hold any level of English or Maths to begin a course with us, but you will be asked to complete a skills check on application. To start an apprenticeship with us, you will need to demonstrate during your skills check that you are working at Level 1 in English, Maths and ICT. If you are not sure of your level – don’t worry. Please apply and our skills checks will help identify your current skills level for English, Maths and ICT. If you are hoping to complete the Level 5 Diploma qualification, you must already hold a Level 3 qualification in Childcare or Health and Social Care, and must at least 19 years old.

Yes, you will need to have a placement for the duration of your course. This can be full or part time, or working as a volunteer, but must be for a minimum of 16 hours per week. If you are hoping to gain SFA funding for your course, we may need to discuss your work placement in further detail on application.

We recommend that you are working a minimum of 16 hours per week. This amount may change depending on your level of experience within your chosen sector and previous academic achievements. The amount of hours that you are working may affect what funding you are eligible for.

This will depend on which qualification or apprenticeship you are completing and how you are being funded for your course. You will be notified of how long you have before starting your course. Extra time can be allocated for learners with additional needs. Please note learners who enrol on an apprenticeship must be on the course for a minimum of 12 months. This is a condition of the apprenticeship funding.

Not necessarily. It is not a requirement; however, this will depend on your level of experience within the sector and previous academic achievements.

Yes. You will be assigned a Tutor to support and guide you for the duration of your course. Your Tutor will contact you through either the Laser® program, via telephone, Skype or text message on a weekly basis. Your Tutor will set your learning plans and mark each assignment you complete. They are there to support your from start to finish. A Tutor will also come out at least once during your course to complete the direct observations on your practice.

Yes. Our qualifications are accredited by CACHE, Edexel and NCFE. Our Childcare, Playwork and Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools qualifications are recognised by OfSTED.


You can start your course at anytime. Unlike a college there are no enrollment dates or term times.

Apply Now or contact us for more information.